Thursday 8 July 2010

Acting in a manner likely to cause 'Scandal and Offence'.

('Extreme selfishness,with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration as characterizing a personality type') Oxford English Dictionary   

'The double minded man is unstable in all his ways' James 1 : 8

'Take no notice of Phillip Archbishop. He thinks you're the Grand Mufty of all Wales'.

 Morgan the Organ (Copyright unkown)

In 1730, one of the earliest non Conformists in Gwynedd North Wales, William Pritchard, of Glwchdernog near Pwllheli, was said to have been hauled before an ecclesiastical court in Bangor, followed by the Assizes, for daring to criticise a sermon of the Bishop of Bangor and branding the Chancellor
                            (Copyright unknown)
of the Cathedral a 'liar.' Found guilty of slander, he refused to pay a fine. The church authority of Bangor succeeded in persuading his landlord that eviction would be the order of the day. Not one legal person was prepared to defend Pritchard in the church Court lest they 'offended' the Bishop of Bangor. However, later at the Assizes he was represented by a 'counsellor Williams.' His punishment was banishment and deposition for himself and family to the 'Dark Island', 'Yr Ynys Dywyll', commonly known as Anglesey, an island situated off the coast of North Wales.

There at 'Plas Penmynydd', home of the 'Tudor' family, and later, in 1745, at 'Bodlew' in the parish of Llanddanielfab, Pritchard suffered years of persecution and beatings from local gangs usually organised by local clergy of what was then the established Church of England. His, and that of his family, was a miserable lot, shunned by their neighbours as if they were lepers for daring not to conform to the religious institution of the day, and, of being 'heretics', but even more so in Pritchard's case, for criticising and defying the Bishop of Bangor, who, according to ecclesiastical tradition, rather than scripture, had been appointed by 'Divine Permission' 1.

Sleepy seaside village.

Almost 300 years later, sex, sex, sex, and, plenty of it, seemed to be the topic of the day. The golfing mad Bishop of Bangor must have thought he'd scored a hole in one! On 3rd and 10th November 1996, a National Sunday newspaper carried a double feature of a sleazy sex scandal, that was to make headlines across the whole of Britain, which led, in the months to come, a vicar in the sleepy seaside village of Benllech in Anglesey North Wales to lose his job, his home and his wife.He was accused of adultery with a 'parishioner', coupled with a further draconian charge thrown in for good measure, ' Canonical disobedience and lying to the Bishop of Bangor.'

Gutter Journalists.

Suspicion arose when the 'Express on Sunday' published a dubious and defamatory article by Mathew Mervyn -Jones and Roland Howard. It contained a forged felt pen note claimed to have been written by the vicar and also stolen private photographs purposely enhanced. These were innocent photos taken by the vicar's wife during a church pilgrimage. Two years later, following a County Court summons, Barry Morgan and his solicitor David Hooson, were forced to hand them back to their copyright owner.
'Have nothing to do with a false charge'
Exodus 23: 7
The article also claimed that Archbishop Barry Morgan who had known of the allegations for over two years,  had copies, of the same images, in his desk which had now found their way on to a Sunday tabloid newspaper .

This raised serious and disturbing questions. First, who gave them to the Express on Sunday in the first place? Was Barry, or the Church in Wales, involved in purchasing an'advertorial'? Evidence suggests a high standard of probability.

Secondly, why should a national tabloid newspaper be so interested in an insignificant country parish priest in North Wales as if he were a bent MI5,  a threat to national interest?

The Express on Sunday claimed that  Barry Morgan, now Archbishop of Wales,( dubbed 'Bazzar' or 'His Darkness' by his friends in Llandafchesterchronicles and 'Ancient Briton' blog)  'thanked them' for handing over voice mail tapes and handwritten notes which they claimed proved the vicar's adultery. Nevertheless, he was not for handing them over to the vicar's solicitor for examination for another eight months, and only then by threat of a civil Court injunction.

Cloak of legitimacy
We may never really know what thoughts danced through Archbishop Barry Morgan's mind as Bishop of Bangor. The Emperor Nero would have been a model of gravitas in comparison.

Suffice, that Barry seemed to savour the prospect of the vicar folding up like a deck chair. Romance, so it seemed, was not dead.

Prone to regular mood seizures, coupled with an unsteady grip on history,' Barry Boy' should have taken into account the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln : 'Better to have them pissing out of the tent than into it'.

Manfactured Evidence
We have viewed the report on forensic tests carried out on the voice mail tapes by Spencer Sound Consultants Ltd of Bristol. They point out that up to seven different recording machines were used in the production of the tapes by the Church in Wales, of which Spencer classed as low to poor quality. The report concludes them to be unreliable evidence.

As for the handwritten notes, none matched the forged and published specimen which appeared in the Express on Sunday. However, the remaining notes, bore strong similarity to the vicar's handwriting which were photocopies of the originals scanned on plain A4 paper. Sight of the originals and their proper context were consistently denied. Not all had been sent to the same person and none prove 'adultery' as the Church in Wales claimed . However, there was to be one person in this case who openly and unwittingly admitted infidelity. It was not the vicar!  

In view of manufactured evidence, accompanied by what could be described as an evil and disgustingly flawed published judgement, which was released and sold within the public domain for £5 per copy, the allegation of adultery was defamatory. The judgement hinged on a perjured document.

Photocopy of a lengthy handwritten note, claimed to be of a sexual nature is clearly not. To the contrary, it is an angry letter written to a mature woman and choir mistress who had been caught seducing a young man in the choir. Her behaviour was the cause of concern to many in the choir. She admitted responsibility.

The vicar's wife also substantiated the incident in a statement signed 7th July 1997. Hindsight may strongly suggest that the vicar could have dealt with an erotomanic differently, but this does not, as with inappropriateness, necessarily constitute adultery.

The fire was further fuelled since the Bishop had received a faxed proof copy prior to publication direct from the 'Express on Sunday' news desk in London. This copy, which was some years later handed to an interested party, bore the bishops fax number and also the sender's phone number pointing to direct involvement of Barry Morgan with a sordid tabloid editor.

The journalist, a disgustingly seedy character, Matthew Mervyn-Jones, cut a portly figure, with dark, gel, combed back hair, whose smile and face bore a look of such greasiness that even the scurviest chip shop  might have hesitated to serve a paying customer. Several women in the community were deeply offended and emotionally upset by his approach and obscene suggestions made by him over the telephone. His method of approach was one of abuse and harassment.

In 2005 he was appointed assistant producer of BBC Panorama. It wouldn't be time wasted if Leveson checked this greasy, stubby little beach ball out as a potential one time hacker!

In Scandal and Offence, the former vicar, describes how Jones and the bishop crossed all boundaries of decency, whilst Howard, some two months later would describe himself in a press conference as a ' a bastard who wanted to make lots of money'. 2 Could Barry Morgan sink this low as to have these two  as bed fellows ? Read on. You aint seen nothing yet.

The 'Great and the Good'

In his usual dramatic form, the smooth talking Barry Morgan, was accompanied by an entourage of press and TV at the morning service at St Andrews Benllech.

Amazingly, Chapel elder and North Wales newspaper reporter Gerald Williams, insisted they had only just heard the news. This guy had a spotty record when it came to chumminess and propriety. What a shiny little button he turned out to be.. Gerald was soon to be knighted into an order Barry Morgan loathed until he also was later given the green light  - The national Eisteddfod Bardic Circle - Goresedd y Beirdd. Must have been difficult for Barry boy to kneel in front of the Archdruid. Afterall, he does have a larger following than the Archbishop.

However, regularly referring to the vicar as either the scandal or disgraced Rector, or, even, Rev Rat, Geralds own publication daily advertised the services of North Wales prostitutes. My God - titillation, indeed!

Although Barry  had  ordered the vicar to stay away from the service the previous evening, in defiance  , supporting her husband,  the vicars wife attended. She positioned herself near the front accompanied by two friends. He just couldn't take his eyes off her throughout the service.     

Just by chance of course, Hilary Morgan, the bishops wife, a crown prosecutor also arrived on the last tide. at the morning service. No show without punch!

By her side also was the part time diocesan registrar and local solicitor, landowner, deputy 'High Sheriff of Gwynedd', and womaniser, Michael Preece. He had only just traded his wife for a younger model. As Eric Morecambe would say : 'What do you think of it so far'?.

Fallen Scribe

Michael Preece - Swapped his wife for a younger model. 
 (Copyright-Dic Mathafarn)
In dramatic mode, full of his own self importance and his usual: 'I share your pain' gaze, you'd be forgiven for thinking that this 'Drama Queen' of a bishop was the proud owner of an 'Equity' card. Nothing could be more pleasing to this slippery sausage of an individual than having his ego stroked.

Standing in front of the congregation at St Andrews church Benllech, grim faced, as if he was staring at a commonwealth graveyard, not to mention bemused Sunday morning worshippers, he anounced - 

'Things look very bleak indeed.' 

There followed the familiar Barry Morgan doomsday rant. A nation trembled!  By joe. Bomb shelters everyone!  Should they cross themselves and hold garlic bulbs aloft, or what ?

Another moving Morganite performance had just begun, one which would even give a 'Mafia' boss pause for thought!

For the 'Common Good.'

In reality,however, it was a sick publicity stunt, to ensure cheesy media, but one which would haunt and expose him in equal measures, if not more, in the long term. All in all, a perfect occasion, or so they thought, to hide something sinister. For the 'Common Good' of course.

At the back of the church, as if experiencing some unusual pleasure, stood the superannuated diocesan mouthpiece - the bishops press officer. Now there's a study in marble for you.

She was delighted by his arrival. She glowed. Gleaned and beamed like a fat strawberry. One became transfixed by her sweaty expression, while she fluttered round him like a butterfly in a rose garden. She always had an elephantine thirst of a cleric destined for higher things, and a first class example why the corset was ever invented. Some parts date back to 1948. No sane warrior would want to tangle with 'Big Edna.' Ahaaa.....Bliss indeed!

Meanwhile, back at the vicarage, the vicar, Rev Clifford Williams , strongly denied all the allegations levelled at him. In a frenzied campaign even the moderate Anglican Church weekly newspaper 'The Church Times' quoted the over enthusiastic bishops press officer that the cleric was alleged to have 'seduced several women parishioner's' 2. Later there was even mention of a help line and even 'counselling' for those who felt they would want to come forward in the aftermath.  A somewhat  menopausal Church in Wales spin stretched further than 'Christopher Biggins' nicker elastic.

Flying off the 'Richter' scale.

Matthew Mervyn-Jones and Roland Howard in the 'Express on Sunday' claimed that he had sexually 'abused' women in his parish, and described him as someone who 'Taught women lessons in sex'. And, if more tripe was needed then it came in the form of clinical hysteric Pat Day, who was reported to have claimed that numbers ran into double figures.

Easily recognisable, by her somewhat, fixed smile, ( as if a casualty of some heinous plastic surgery cock-up) and, constantly appearing to be on the verge of eruption, she was prone at times to a touch of the vapours and would boil over like a saucepan of sprouts. On the other hand, she did have the unfortunate task of playing wife to sleazy tubby hubby Peter, ( Big fella - three shredded wheat sort, ) now official 'licensed' Church in Wales lay preacher. An immense waffler in the pulpit. Listening to him is like being stung into a living coma.

Freedom of speech.

What a contrast to evangelical lay preacher Geoffrey Moore, graduate in theology and psychiatry, who was asked to desist from preaching by Barry Morgan simply for giving evidence in support of the vicar. Now there's a sound liberal 'Thinking Anglican' bishop for you 'boyo'!

As in British law, freedom of speech within the Church in Wales under 'Morgan rule' is not threatened by any 'official' censorship, but by an oppressive liberalism which is equally pernicious. Lay preacher Moore, so it seems, committed the most heinous sin, and would never preach in an Anglican church again. He became critical, in terms which was unacceptable to the commissary of this liberal establishment, the guardian of selective amnesia.

Peter Day, the sleazy lay preacher, on the other hand, claimed that he had been 'briefed' by the church 3. For over 12 months , he followed and preyed on the vicar's female defence witnesses, especially one, a former church warden, with whom he became obsessed. Even the vicar's youngest son, barely sixteen at the time and under immense pressure , became a victim of the stalking church warden, now lay preacher, of Llanallgo Moelfre.

At one time such an individual would have been labelled a 'Peeping Tom', although in these proceedings, (given his own account of the 'brief'.) 'Stalker', would be more appropriate. Both 'Stalker' and 'Bishop' worked closely together during the scandal. There was growing hysteria among the rodent catchers.

Bonnie & Clyde

Would you believe, the sleazy lay preacher had a tubby female accomplice to match. Referred by some as his assistant, she was a young married mother. Most nights she would leave her husband at home to mind their small child whilst she and 'Day' prowled the parish at all hours, in chase of the vicar - of course. Who else? At least, that was their excuse, and they clung to it, like a pair of wasp's in a jam jar. Such was the standard of the 'investigation' into the vicar, as ordered by Barry Morgan.

Sometimes their 'brief' would take them further afield, like the Travel Lodge on the outskirts of Bangor. Trips down to South Wales were not unheard of either. In Builth Wells, members of a local Anglesey barber shop chorus, happened to bump into Day and his' female assistant'  (Please stop laughing) in a cafe. It was described how the sleazy lay preacher's face turned almost 'ruby magnate', accompanied by a smile that resembled an over stretched elastic band and that swivelling eye blinking like a diseased rabbit. What a prat. He would be useless in a police identity line up .

Mr Quarterpounder-Monsieur Pudding! 

Peter Day - Unholy obsession with female parishioners
                                                  ( Copyright unknown)

On one occasion, the female assistant's 'home alone' husband spoke at great length with the vicar about his concern. How, one day, he threw himself on the bonnet of his wife's car on the village square Benllech, having caught her and Monsieur Pudding Day (in hot pursuit of the vicar, of course) together.

Appearing in a state of shock, stalking lay preacher Day suddenly acquired the expression of a man walking up a wind tunnel. Keeping track of the vicar of Benllech was now turning out to be hot and steamy work for the tubby scandal church warden and lay praecher of the picturesque Church of Llanallgo Moelfre. My word - blood pressure tablets anyone?

The in- laws also reported their daughter in- law's involvement with the scandal lay preacher, to the church cammandant in Bangor. The negative response suggested that both these night owl's had become Morgan protected species, and, as far the press and media were concerned, comfortably positioned within the Church in Wales no fly zone.

Later, when Morgan's principle witness, the scarlet lady, had to flee the parish, her property, located in a remote spot near Benllech, would be used by Day and his female assistant almost daily from around 7am to 10am. Curtains near a balcony would be closed during visits and hidden cameras on the drive provided privacy from would be intruders. No tariff, it must have been an ideal setting for logistical planning, away from prying eyes, and, dead cheap of course! Just imagine the cost of hotel rooms!

Some years later, following the church court, this association would end in tears for this sleazy lay preacher, when a business venture went awol. The young married mother found a better deal elsewhere - a local farm worker. At last, he could now look forward to spend quality time with that dreadful wife of his.

A former employee also describes how obsessive the scandal, google eyed, tubby lay preacher, had become with the former vicar. Photos and paper cuttings of the vicar, for all to inspect, would cover the walls of Peter Day's business premises in the village of Benlech.

One has to question, if such a person could be , 'sick', or 'a danger to others', or simply just a wet flannel of an idiot within the confines of this conspiracy? More, no doubt, on the antics of the scandal lay preacher/ church warden, - Inspector Monsieur Pudding Day - Quell plonker!

As for the vicar, not one person came forward to make or confirm any allegations against him, apart from the notorious - scarlet woman. She enjoyed complete anonymity for twelve months until the hearing ( super injunction?), and even then claimed that she had 'begged' the bishop not to go through with it. In her own words, 'The bishop used me as a battering ram in order to get to Clifford Williams'4.

Ignoring the plea of the scarlet lady, Barry Morgan insisted that the Church believed she was in danger. Displaying the hallmarks of erotomania (Clare Bourne Syndrome), she was moved from Anglesey in two hired 'Pickford lorries, along with her furniture and belongings, to a secret location and safe house in mid Wales, south of Aberystwyth, Pontrhydfendigaid 4. Amazing what a weekend of fair weather can do!

Troublesome priest.

The Church in Wales, and the then Bishop of Bangor Barry Morgan, had borne the brunt of the vicar's criticism over the years concerning various aspects of the way it conducted itself in matters of employment, pensions and issues of human sexuality.

They spent a quarter of a million pounds in one week alone on a draconian church trial more reminiscent  of the Star Court Chamber Trials of the eighteenth century. 

It was not the end of it. The Bishop's solicitor, David Hooson, the Archbishop's Registrar from St Asaph, employed from their offices in Denbigh the services of one Robert Gwyrfai Jones, a retired police officer.  Now days,  (PC 'Plod, or was it Inspector?') Jones, describes himself in an on line CV as having 'worked in the legal field most of his working life', and as ' Head of Administration Support' for a firm of solicitors in Denbigh North Wales. For goodness sake, will somebody please pass the sick bucket.

As a constant reminder of cold sticky treacle, Jones called on members of the community in Benllech, and beyond, cloak and dagger style, looking for what he used to describe as, ' any dirt which could be pinned on the vicar'..

Such was his brazenness, he rang around the locals for 'any gossip' on the vicar as if conducting an opinion poll on climate change.  An Anglesey solicitor and the vicar's former GP were among those whom he tried to gain personal data information.

In some respect plonker Gwyrfai was pure comedy. One who appeared to have found his soul mate in the local peeping Tom - Peter Day. Like seemed to attract like.
R Gwyrfai Jones - Former Senior Police Officer
North Wales Police

   'You're Nicked'
( Courtesy of Dic Mathafarn) 

Ex Cop Gwyrfai Jones trawling for dirt in Benllech

Having made a human banana of himself ducking and diving around Benllech during 1997, we learn that  'Kojak' Gwyrfai , has now joined the board of Governors of two local primary schools in the Denbigh area.

Further improvments in his CV will appear next year (2013) when the National Eisteddfod of Wales comes to his beloved town of Denbigh. Old stiff head has wangled himself another place in history as part of the organising structuring committee. A white Gorsedd robe for him then!

 Good man Jones! Who knows, maybe things have truly improved for this glorified office boy!

   Solicitor David Hooson  -  Photogenic disaster.
 A team of private detectives staying at a local hotel (Anglesey Arms Menai Bridge for one) also followed the vicar during the twelve months leading up to the hearing, looking in vain for evidence of adultery and sexual abuse. Presumably funded from the coffers of the Church in Wales.

The Express on Sunday mob would occupy the much more up-market Trescawen Hall. On the first day of the hearing these 'private dics' were present acting as 'burly minders' , keeping reporters at bay from their principle witness - the scarlet woman, who, it was described, gave 'piano lessons'.

Kangaroo court Church in Wales style.

The 'trial', a comedy, took place in the new County Court building at Caernarfon, but these were not normal legal civil proceedings. This was the antiquated 'Provincial 'court' of the disestablished Church in Wales, chaired by a Swansea circuit judge Michael Evans QC .

'Darkness Visible'
His Honour, Michael Evans QC -  Chaired the corrupt and flawed proceedings'
Noted for his fixed grin, the judge (Michael Evans) sat during law term, which meant that he, and possibly his colleague, Recorder Stuart Batcup, were funded by the Lord Chancellor's Office. In most professions this would be regarded as 'moonlighting' . Did they reimburse the Lord Chancellor? If so, why is it not recorded or mentioned in the letter from the Lord Chancellor's Office? On the other hand, if reimbursement was not made then an offence would have been committed by at least one senior lawyer acting on behalf of the disestablished Church in Wales. Under the guise and cloak of legitimacy they impersonated a Court of Law.

Kangaroo Judge

Regardless of gloss, Evan's role in this court was not as one of her 'Majesty's Judges', but merely as chairman and member of a club, which, in this case happened to be the 'Church in Wales' 5. His conduct as a lawyer in these proceedings proved disgraceful. And, just for the benefit of any doubters - he was not the recently disgraced and married 'Swansea judge,' also church lay preacher, alleged to have conducted an affair with a 26 year old 'rent boy' 6.

As old smoozcher Evans once boasted, 'We have a variety of silks on which we can call upon.' Don't they just!

Church in Wales lay preacher and judge.

Morgan Inspired

Convened after being resurrected for the first time in 50 years for such a purpose, the 'court' was held in public. Unlike the trial of William Pritchard in 1730, it had no coercive powers outside its own jurisdiction 7, yet displayed all the judicial language of a quasi criminal event. The Welsh media conveniently avoided the fact, that in law, it had no more authority than the disciplinary committee of a football club.

Hanging Day -  Caernarfon
                                              ( Courtesy of Dic Mathafarn)  

The Bishop, (Archbishop Barry Morgan) brought the allegations against the vicar to the 'Provincial Court' and also carried out the sentence . Such were the rules that he could even ignore their decision if he felt like it. The proceedings were manifestly Morgan inspired.

Evidence clearly proves that the vain and image conscious Barry Morgan took an active role in the 'investigation' and also personally approached a key defence witness, which bore the hallmarks of entrapment . Another shameless act of miscarriage involving legal professionals who fell prey, possibly because of lucrative private fees, with no come back, (even from the  Lord Chancellors office ) proved to be an offer too tempting to refuse. This kangaroo 'court' merely announced what appeared to be a foregone conclusion and made recommendations. As for the vicar, it increasingly looked as if he had fallen foul with a Mafia family.

Mental Health and Criminal Act Vocabulary

The national press corps, television, sky TV, enticed there by the Church, out in force scenting blood, smirking Michael Evans QC ( a shining example that Shakespeare got it right), described the vicar in language reminiscent to certain areas of the mental health act, 'A danger to himself and to the souls of others'.

Ten years later, his associate, and colleague in these proceedings, the bishop of sleaze, Barry Morgan, now Archbishop of Wales, would use the same formula to describe the 'drug abusing schizophrenic killer' of a tragic South Wales parish priest, as a 'Danger to himself and others should he be allowed back into the community', (BBC News). If Barry Morgan  wished Clifford Williams to vanish from the face of the earth he was going to be bitterly disappointed . Having created the beast, he now would have to run with it.

'You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people'  Leviticus 19 :18
"The bishop", (Barry Morgan) "used me as a battering ram in order to get to Clifford Williams"
( Iris Marie Green - October 21, 22(North Wales Daily Post, BBC Wales 17 November 1997)

In 2009, Evans's successor, Gerard Elias QC, adopted Evans's language in the deposition of convicted prolific paedophile and former Powys Vicar Richard Hart. Pass the sick bucket please!

   Worshipful Brother  Elias - Gross double standards.

When asked in 1999 during a radio programme what would justify deposing a priest Barry Morgan claimed that it would have to be, 'offences against children'8.

Clearly, both he and Michael Evans believed themselves to be beyond reproach in their efforts to criminalise the former vicar. What is even more sickening is that the Welsh press and media offered little if no serious challenge to this corruption. To a large extent they fuelled it - the ecclesiastical banana republic of Wales.

What a shameful chapter in the career of  Evans the lawyer from a much privileged background. Even more disturbing, that such a hypocritical stitch up, publicly mingled with prayers, was carried out under the auspices of an organisation claiming to be christian.

Following reported costs of £305,000 , Evans was asked how much more would the Church be prepared to spend in getting rid of the Anglesey Vicar. As if ready to milk the system like an udder-sucker in a mechanised milking parlour, the 'scandal' lawyer obnoxiously replied : 'How long is a piece if string'? 9.

Veil of Corruption

'Scandal and Offence' analyses in detail the way in which the vicar's world was torn apart and his life left in tatters, whilst to the annoyance of the likes of Barry Morgan and the establishment he refused to be silenced and fold up like a deck chair. He had no employment or human rights on which to fall back on .The sentence passed on him was one of humiliation, as if he were a criminal. There was to be no restoration or reconciliation, simply annihilation. It arises from evidence and papers related to the case. Parts will also contain his personal opinion and free speech, to which he is entitled, since the same privileges were claimed by the Church and the press whilst he was nailed through a flawed and doctored published judgement.

This is a disturbing story of a priest who crossed a spiritually flawed and out of control bishop. The wheel of history continues to turn, but sadly, there has been no reconciliation 10. Having become the head of his church as Archbishop of Wales, he has secured a place for himself in the history of the Anglican Church for all the wrong reasons.

                                                        Brothers in Arms

 Barry Morgan got help from convicted drug gangster Gerry Davies  
The depth which the Church in Wales was willing to sink in order to rid the vicar of Benllech knew no bounds. With the help of twice jailed  Gerry Davies, a spy camera was installed in a false water hydrant outside the home of a mother of four.
An alert local taxi driver told the kangaroo court via a statement he knew Davies to be an associate of Peter Day. He said Gerry Davies was digging a hole in front of the womans house without a care in the world. Just like with his drug factory operating under the guise of a mushroom farm, Davies used his builder van to errect the hydrant and camera which had a sign 'GDC' Gerry Davies Construction. 'Ows about that then guy's and gals'.

Davies was banged up for the second time on 3 December 2012 for his part in the massive drug bust by North Wales Police at Parc Menai Bangor. Of course, as His Honour Michael Evan's announced, 'This court will be what we want it to be'.

 Information gathering Church in Wales     
                                                                 (Copyright not known )

  While other priests found guilty of adultery, or criminal offences, none were exposed to the sort of kangaroo treatment that this vicar underwent. One senior Church in Wales cleric, favoured by Archbishop Barry Morgan, was jailed for 10 years for the rape of two young choir boys. Another, from Powys received two separate custodial sentences for serious child pornography.

In North Wales the vicar of Bistre near Buckley, a friend of Barry Morgan, was merely cautioned and placed on the sex offenders register for downloading images of children. He resigned, became a postman, but was never disciplined by the Church and remains in holy orders.

Not long after he turned up at a local church in the Wrexham area where he joined the choir which had children among its members. The choir master was a well known senior Crown Prosecutor in North Wales who knew of the offence.

Recently an e mail was sent to this blog by 'Anonymous', claiming the above information untrue. Again we reiterate that 'Scandal and Offence' is factual concerning historical cases. Its aim is not to destroy lives as did the corrupt Provincial Court of the Church in Wales 1997. 

Even though the St Asaph  vicar's identity here is witheld, an abundance of information about him within the public domain has been available for a number of years. Make no mistake, at the time, he was a friend of the then bishop of Bangor now Archbishop of Wales - Barry Morgan.

No cleric received the degree of exposure which the vicar of Benllech endured. Are you beginning to wonder why? Archbishop Barry Morgan could have avoided 'Scandal and Offence', but chose not to. 

Even if the allegations against Clifford Williams were admitted to have been true, they would not have affected his legal status. He was a man who was, and still is , without any criminal allegation or conviction.

On the other hand, during this church 'trial' it was never disclosed that the scarlet lady had been financially maintained during the 12 months leading up to the hearing and after. Neither was it declared that the smiling circuit judge from Swansea, 'His Honour Michael Evans QC', (Priceless), along with his fellow henchmen, the Archdeacon of Margam, District Judge Stewart ' Batclup Cardiff, (a personal friend to Rowan Williams) and the Bishop of Bangor, Barry Morgan, were members of the finance committee which paid her - 'Well hello boys! How much you pay pretty girl for good time?'

Collectively, they behaved more akin to a bunch of back street Victorian surgeons, or , a bunch of hyenas out for the kill.

Corrupt Affidavit

The Church Kangaroo court, along with the press, claimed that the vicar's fate had been sealed in a supposedly sworn affidavit. Yet he was not allowed to cross examine and challenge the statement, or its content. Recent case law at the time would render it 'defective' evidence 11.

Two years later, the statement, which they claimed to be a properly sworn affidavit, conflicts with the content of a County Court divorce petition not to mention the abundance of damning evidence made available to the church court at the time, which Michael Evans QC chose to block. The 'kangaroo court' was now falling on its own sword12.

The affidavit did not identify the solicitor or the practise who signed it, neither is it properly addressed to any proceedings for fear of libel. Normal practise, so it seems, for the Church in Wales when cornered in highly questionable 'private law' employment disputes 13.

The Enforcer has access to evidence which would have demolished such an ambush had the vicar been allowed to cross examine the high jacked witness who signed it. This court, along with its so called 'legal professionals', Michael Evans QC and District Judge Stewart Batclup Cardiff, acted corruptly, participated in a lie and misled members within its own 'private jurisdiction' as well as those within the public domain 14. One begs the question, how does the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, count such cowboys among his closest friends?

Barry Morgan's interference of a defence witness.

On the 8th September 1997, ( or there about) less than eight weeks before the Provincial Kangaroo court of the Church in Wales being held at Caernarfon, the vicar's primary defence witness was contacted by the Bishop, Rt Rev Dr Barry Cennydd Morgan, now Archbishop of Wales. The witness was not at home at the time, yet, Morgan knew where this witness could be located.

This person, had already been interviewed and signed a statement 7th July 1997 to a Liverpool solicitor in full support of the vicar. What happened next is beyond comprehension from a church leader. Smell a rat? You bet. They don't come any bigger.

The high jacked witness spoke to someone else about the call from Bishop Morgan, who passed the information to the vicar. At this juncture the Enforcer is not in a position to give details of the conversation other than four points. First, the Bishop explained that he had been through the worst year of his life, worrying about the proceedings. Secondly, that he rang to offer the defence witness what he referred to as pastoral care. Thirdly, if there was anything he could do, the witness would only have to ask.

'In all things honest and lawful'.

The Enforcer can also reveal that Barry Morgan asked the defence witness if he could disclose to the kangaroo court a matter which had been discussed with him by the vicar and his family some twelve months earlier. This defence witness was present at that particular meeting. We do not know how this witness responded to the request. However, Morgan never asked the vicar for his permission, and was in fact told by his eldest son, who was involved, that he was not to disclose personal private matters entrusted to him 15.

The rest is history. Barry Morgan, whilst charging the vicar with canonical disobedience, he himself was responsible of a much more serious ecclesiastical offence, the episcopal vows of a bishop and of lying to the church. The evidence becomes more compelling as we unearth the truth withheld from the public domain. More again on this subject.

We can also disclose that he rang an ex directory number when contacting the defence witness, and failed to explain, when asked, how he obtained the number. It is also worth noting that this defence witness circumstances and personal life was in the process of change, which would have proved embarrassing if exposed to the press. The witness would also have been under pressure.

The vicar, chose, (wrongly in our view) not to challenge the witness by what he had heard, but rather, relied that this individual would honour the evidence. Neither he or his legal team were ever informed of any change prior to the hearing. On the first day of the Kangaroo court, the witness failed to turn up. Later, it was discovered that this person, whose evidence was vital, had gone into hiding. Nothing was heard or seen of the witness in public until the last day, when this person appeared in the form of a much celebrated and defective affidavit.

This false document contradicted the statement signed two months previously, and, more important still, a County Court Petition of 1999. If the statement signed on the 7th July 1997 and the County Court Petition was deemed not to be the truth, or, even vise verse, we have indeed the most corrupt church disciplinary hearing of our time. They created a beast.

Little wonder the scandal bishop, and his crown prosecutor wife, made a secret and personal visit to the high jacked witness new home.

' A thief comes to kill, steal and destroy; I came that you may have life, and have it abundantly'.
 John 10:10

'Hang Him High'.

Not every cowboy wears a hat

Twas 'high noon' - 30th January 1993, in the Cathedral Church of Bangor North Wales. Having crawled his way, and, at times, trodden on opponents indefatigably, to consolidate power, the newly installed bishop rose to deliver his inaugural sermon. In groin-thrusting manner he strode along the chancel to ascend the dispatch box (pulpit). How this guy loves to be watched - on his terms of course.

It was said of Geoff Boycott, that, 'He fell in love with himself at an early age, and remained faithful ever since'. The new bishop would also, no doubt, continue the same tradition devoting his life, indulging his own ego, his favourite subject - himself.

But first, before he addressed the diocese as 'your bishop', (and sent shock waves throughout the province) he had a confession to make. The new bishop announced that had an 'obsession' . He had two, in fact.

The first was a compulsive need to watch, repeatedly, a certain cowboy film over and over again on video. The film? Clint Eastward 'Hang them High', of a notorious western judge, ( the Fred West mentality) deriving morbid enjoyment in seeing innocent victims hanged. An essential item for a Bishop, so it seems, (as well as personal chaplain) to keep him 'mentaly alert and spiritually refreshed' 16. And, just in case, to cover loss or damage, he even made a copy of the original. Dead keen, this fella leaves no stone unturned.

Secondly, a startling revelation, ( as he took off his mitre and placed it on the pulpit) which was, that he hated wearing anything on his head and hardly ever wore a cap or a hat. Shock waves all round, indeed!

'Surely not', whispered one cleric to another sitting way up in the Cathedral sanctuary. ' A cowboy without a hat'? ' I am shocked. Appalled'.

If, as a new broom, the 'Hang them High Bishop' might have expected his clergy subjects to cower with one quiver of an eye brow, he did not seem to have achieved that level of terror with Clifford Williams the Vicar of Benllech. He wasn't entirely alone.

Kangaroo Judge.

One wonders what would members of the 'Dunvant Male Voice Choir' make of the 'respected lawyer', their president, succumbing to such deviant and unprofessional behaviour which took place at this kangaroo court. Although, to give Evans some benefit of doubt, he did make one thing perfectly clear at the very outset of the proceedings,: 'This court will be what we want it to be' . By heck lad, go put kettle on, and have a brew!

Gagging by Injunction 

The 'Enforcer' can reveal that a gagging injunction was issued against the vicar following the hearing. It prohibited the publication of 'material', copies, or otherwise, which had anonymously been posted to him,( not revealed at the hearing) some of which named the claimant's (the scarlet lady) secret lover and their conspiracy. A local High Street solicitor, Sally Dowding, seemingly made to appear independent, represented the claimant.

Later, Dowding was appointed Diocesan Registrar, to succeed Crown Prosecutor lawyer Hilary Morgan, the Bishop's wife, who had temporary carried out this paid perk, following the retirement of the infamous Mr Preece. Jobs for the boys (or the wife) one might say! What a tangled web we weave, resembling more like the shenanigan of a bunch of county councillors.

Dowding, was later appointed Judge on the Chester circuit. The Lord moves in mysterious ways !

Regardless of the injunction, supposedly to protect privacy, both individuals,(scarlet lady and her lover) later, went on to publish. He, a self published novel, a childish scribble, which clearly identifies individuals, and therefore libel, whilst the claimant herself published a blog on the internet entitled 'Iris Marie (Helen to some of her friends)' .

Within a fortnight of its content and prints being handed to the police, the blog was taken down. Too late. This self inflicted breach on their own injunction meant the baby had been thrown out with the bath water. The former vicar can proceed with disclosures.

                 ' Enter the 'Red Baron'

'Therefore do not get drunk ........ but be filled with the spirit' Ephesians 5; 18
The vicar remained silent, when, during one session of the court the scarlet lady's lover attended, accompanied by the woman that he was later to marry. The deposed vicar shows evidence that proves the scarlet lady and her secret lover discussed the possibility of jointly publishing a novel about a parish priest who had seduced several female parishioners 17.

Weeks before the scandal breaking out the same was the theme of a sketch presentation by the Diocesan Board of Mission at the Diocesan conference in Dolgellau. Whilst most appeared baffled by its context,  Bishop Barry sat looking amused, along side his 'life long friend', former ''Royalty Basher' and future Presiding Officer of the Welsh Assembly, the grovelling Lord Dafydd Ellis Thomas.

Canon Whisky

Minutes of the Tindaethwy Rural Decanal Conference express the revulsion of members to the sketch, in particular a Ms Margaret Lockerbie-Cameron. As if mumbling through a blocked nose,  Rev' Canon Whisky', Rector of Beaumaris , also, according to a copy of the minutes, referred to Dafydd Ellis Thomas' contribution as nothing more than an 'agenda filler'. Marvellous contribution Canon! Well done.indeed.

Although bearing the resemblance of a rumpy end of the pier entertainer, the Canon Hughes did yearn to be taken seriously. Eventually, following a 'priesthood' (of sorts) dedicated to bearing glad tidings to the Bishop concerning fellow clergy (gossip), he eventually became a 'Morgan success story' and was made a Canon 'cutie' or was it 'lazy'?

Not one for keeping matters tight lipped, Canon 'Whisky' would now boast that he had the bishop's ear . During the weeks leading up to the 'kangaroo court' he told colleague's that Barry told him that the Anglesey vicar was doomed. Whether proved guilty of adultery or not, he would be nailed for disobedience and lying to the 'Grand Mufty', himself.

What a conversion, 'The Sword of Truth and the Shield of Righteousness'!  Drainpipe Rector of Beaumaris seemed to be turning into a Jonathan Aitken.

By now, the desperate Bishop Barry (unaware how much a liability the malt loving Canon had become), must have wished if only other clergy could adopt the same bluff approach to parochial problems as this one time Naval Chaplin and Rector of Beaumaris.

Panto Season

'There was once a bishop from Crewe
Whose vestments were frilly and blue.
As he walked through the doors
There was roar of applause
Cause they thought it was danny La Rue'

Morganmeistr' urgently needed the support of trusted friends. Soon, the clergy stampede for promotion began to resemble an Amazon log jam! Some would leap to attention like a bunch of school girls in a net ball team. Group bravery had kicked in.

Falling foul of the Mafia!

    '' One day, a man was walking from Jerusalem to Jericho. Then, guess what'? Luke 10; 30                     

One such example was the so called Charismatic 'spirit filled' Rector of Llanfairpwll, a one time critic of Morgan just like the rumpy Canon, on street corners and chapter meetings, (behind the bishops back of course).

He asked the congregation to pray, clap and applaud the Bishop at a service he attended as a mark of support leading up to the kangaroo court. Presto! It worked. The Lord moved in a most powerful way for this brass neck happy clapping cleric - the divine call came to be the 'Dean of Bangor Cathedral '. God's new man at the Cathedral would now act as if he were everyones favourite uncle. At least, he understood himself, which is what counts.

I want to be alone - with my ego.

'This place is a house of prayer but you make it a den of robbers'
Of course, the former Dean will not need to be reminded, not long after the kangaroo court, he provided a glowing previous employer testimonial at the prosecution of a diocesan surveyor, a notorious church cheat and fraudster, who set up a bogus company to launder diocesan church money. Neither was the former Dean alone in this most awesome gesture of christian compassion. Praise the Lord! The Bishop of Bangor gave his blessing as well.

You wouldn't relish being a soldier in the trenches with such a spineless sycophantic bunch as these. As Freud said, when he eventually fled Austria following the German invasion, 'I most warmly recommend the Gestapo to everybody'.

Ambition, ambition, ambition, began to suffuse some clergy during this period to an extent rarely seen. They bustled in all business like, 'keen'. They went along to meetings to be spotted, aching to be heard by the Bishop (Barry Bangher, Bob Monkhouse National Lottery Oct 26th 1997 ). They would surge, pulse and boil with careerism like a pond of piranhas. None more than the Bangor diocesan version of 'I'm free Capt Peacock', Bob ( the builder) Townsend, (paned a 'chachen') who brought wife and one screaming baby to enliven the acoustics in the kangaroo court. Dreaming up, no doubt, another one of his ghastly exercise in self promotion, he must have momentarily forgot the reason why, earlier in his 'career', he was held back until 1995 before being ordained priest.

Noted for his lack of staying power in the most trivial of storms, a church insider and former parishioner described , yet another short incumbency, as: 'he came, spent and went. Blessed be the name of the Lord'.

Unlike the Bishop of St Asaph, 'Townie', will never be one of life's heavy weights. His new found passion for cycling with the tall, lean, lightweight Andy, the present Bishop of Bangor, will not bring cheers of teary disbelief. In fact, when panto season next approaches, the Enforcer believes he may be seeking to play the 'genie' in Aladdin, and be made a Canon or maybe Archdeacon.. For God sake, will someone pass the cyanide bap.

Double Standards and Hypocrisy.

In 'Scandal and Offence', the vicar wades through a never ending list of offending Church clergy. Two of his former colleagues, one a senior cleric and a stern critic of his, a Bangor Cathedral canon and sycophant, became the first to appear before a tribunal that was set up following the infamous trial of 1997. At the last hour he changed his plea to guilty, admitting a lesser charge of sexual harassment, much to the distress of his victim, a female cleric who later, because of the way she had been treated, felt compelled to leave the Church in Wales. There was also a second complaint, from a female administration worker at the diocesan office in Bangor. Both complainants might just as well been ordered to wear the burka!

In a criminal Court Canon Geoffrey Hewitt would, no doubt, be charged with sexual assault 18. Dubbed by some of the clergy as the 'Beast of Pentir', he was later given a parish in the Diocese of Bath & Wells in the Church of England, where he still remains to this day. His appointment was bitterly criticised by Plaid Cymru Assembly member Helen Mary Jones. The rest of the 'Cardiff Mafia', true to form, made no comment. Welcome to Wales, the ecclesiastical banana republic of 'freedom and transparency.'

Another, a married priest who later became divorced from his wife, was arrested and convicted in a Cardiff Court for a sex offence committed in a public place. Sacked by the Bishop of Llandaf where he served at St Michaels College, he was given a parish almost immediately by Barry Morgan, the same Bishop who destroyed the Anglesey vicar. As with the 'Beast of Pentir', he also conveniently opted to plead guilty to a lesser charge of 'soliciting for importune purposes'. Fined, he was handed a lengthy probation order which reflected the magnitude of the original charge. This community order continued when he arrived back in his native Bangor diocese in 1996 19. The fact that he was unfaithful to his wife while committing these homosexual offences seemed irrelevant and his lifestyle continued, whilst he was married.

Sexual Orientation Discrimination - Archbishop Barry.

Following from this, it could be argued rather strongly that the vicar of Benllech was being pursued, (whether guilty or not) because of his sexual 'orientation', which in his case was heterosexual. No disciplinary matters involving homosexual orientation have been dealt with by the Church in Wales. One, ( a bishop) dealt by the criminal Courts, resigned but was not disciplined. He continued in orders and officiated, as did the present Archdeacon of Meirionydd.

Discrimination surely occurs only when individuals in the same circumstances are treated differently. Such people are being punished for simply having the wrong attitude, or, orientation. This is the sort of behaviour associated with totalitarianism, not a liberal 'Thinking Anglican' bishop, ( hypocritically falling on his own sword) let alone society.

In the case of the former vicar of Benllech, compared to Archdeacon Jones, (both occurring within 12 months of each other) liberalism and secularism are not neutral. To begin with it is directly and aggressively hostile to christian and biblical morality. The sexual orientation of Jones , even though adulterous, and, in his case, criminal, took precedence over religious and christian morals where he was rewarded because of his newly discovered orientation, which was 'homosexual'. This visible appearance of bias creates a picture of serial ill-judgement and even corruption by the same bishop who must carry responsibility.

It appears therefore that infidelity for Archbishop Barry Morgan can only be a heterosexual activity, unless you happen to be the sycophantic Beast of Pentir, who, (if we are to believe Margaret Kennedy google) probably knew too much about the Benllech scandal, which reaped considerable benefits for Hewitt.

Meanwhile, 'Canon gross', is now a senior Church in Wales cleric. Asked about his history, he maintained, ' It is all in the past'. Coming from him, that's as ripe as a bruised banana!

 Reward for Crime

Discrimination - Archdeacon Andrew Jones,  'loitering with intent for importune purposes'

Yet, regardless of recent CRB checks, the Church in Wales, with hand squeezing piety, have appointed Rev Canon Andrew Jones, their first sex offending (spent) cleric as Archdeacon - the first species of its kind in the UK, would you believe to have his ear pierced - oh, bless. And there's me going to bed last night thinking things couldn't get much worse!2o.

What a stark difference, when, at the same Cardiff Court, ' the once much respected and married Bishop Thomas of Llandaf, some 20 years earlier, did the 'honourable' thing, by resigning, following conviction for a similar homosexual offence in a public toilet, but still, he was allowed to officiate. At his consecration as Bishop of Bangor at St Asaph Cathedral, Dr Barry Morgan, now Archbishop of Wales, invited him to take part in the laying on of hands. Mitred and robed, he took his place with the other bishops at the ceremony of consecration.

     Lord have me excused for I am a bishop

During the eighteenth century wenches were brought to entertain the gentry and well off clergy, via a rear staircase, at 'Bishop's Gate' Beaumaris, now a hotel. In recent years it became more fashionable for the affluent, and noteable headturners, to turn up at the prestigious 'Bulls Head'.  Main reception, of course! No wenches, but professional companions welcomed, pursuant to the 1998 Data Protection Act. 

'Female Polar Bears are High on Maintenance'
(David Attenborough)
 'Take no notice darling - Just smile and deny everything'

More recently, the denials of the now former Bishop of St Davids, Carl Cooper, to an affair with his female chaplain Rev Mandy Potter, were publicly broadcast  on a BBC Radio Wales programme in 2008. Both deserted their respective married partners and young families. As reported, they now share the same house and mortgage together in Carmarthenshire.

In 2007  'Bishop' Cooper, ('But I'm still a bishop') was congratulated by many for standing by the deserted wife of the former vicar of Borth near Aberystwyth. His chaplain, Rev Mandy, read a statement on behalf of Cooper condemning the vicar for his adultery. Cooper, later, provided his wife with a house and sacked her philandering husband who had moved in with an ex lover.  Who was it who said :  'A week is a long time in politics?'

Although the cheating bishop and his chaplain, ( 'mortgage partner') Rev Mandy, no longer attend a place of worship, like a 'Tom Cat', he defiantly asserted on a BBC Wales radio programme:

' But I am still a bishop'.

Blimey, you could have knocked me down with a feather.

Three cheers then for comrade 'Heir Flick Von Winkel'! for exemplary episcopal lying for the ' common good'. Here, here!

Later, bishop 'Von Cooper' and mistress walked into  'quango' better paid jobs than even before. Nice one Dave, we owe you one. 

So - come on men, more positive thinking if you please . Fixed bayonets- and three cheers for all disgraced banana bishops - Hip,Hip - hooray!  Now there's a wonderful life time achievement for you my darlings.

One slight problem though, it wasn't long before Rev Mandy went on the pull once again.  A 'church insider' claims that she left the naughty bishop.

Defrocked in Crockfords

Oh!, and by the way comrades, the Diocese of St David's (Ferryside) have their own defrocked priest. Retired, but failed to over turn his deposition by the Church of England for having an affair, David John Norwood has permission to help out and frequently officiates in the Diocese of Europe with full knowledge of the Bishop. He is also a spiritual director with the 'Order of Francisians'. Still listed in 'Crockfords Clerical Directory', the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams appears to give Mr Norwood his blessing as well.

We are in no doubt that Mr Norwood is a nice man, but doubtful whether another christian denomination, (apart from the Catholic Church) can be found so riddled with scandals and injustices. All under the present regime headed by Archbishop Barry Morgan.

Barry ' By Divine Permission'

The advent of Barry, the Hang them High Bishop, signalled the end of an era when he felt obliged to respect a decision or action of a predecessor, contemporaries or even a superior such as Canterbury. After all, this liberal 'Thinking Anglican' was now Bishop of Bangor, 'By Divine Permission'.

Within a month of being made a bishop he'd already swung into action. In a telephone call to the vicar of Benllech the scandal bishop informed him that a blacklisted cleric, ( a friend of a friend of Barry) living in the parish, would be given permission to officiate without even consulting his former Church of England bishop who continued to uphold the ban. Five years earlier, Cledan Mears as Bishop of Bangor, upheld the Church of England's decision.

Unlike David Norwood and Clifford Williams, the cleric, (the late Peter Tyrrell) had not been deposed. He was however placed on what was known as the 'Lambeth Caution List', (as was Norwood and Williams) a secret register of clerics banned from officiating within the Anglican Communion world wide.

In 2003, following the 'The Church of England Disciplinary Measure' , a statutory body, Clifford Williams was removed from the Lambeth Caution List for legal reasons. The same would not apply to Mr Norwood.

The Peter Tyrell affair was a taste of what was to come. The perfect microcosm of a dictator style bishop, who would stick two fingers at those who might oppose him, even a fellow bishop within the Church. The delusion of a man who would bend the rules to suit himself, and, as 'Scandal and Offence' maintains, create his own truths.

Warped,Blinkered Arrogance

In  defiance to the Church of England,  following the Express on Sunday publication, the register for services at St Andrew's Benllech  show that  Barry Morgan allowed the blacklisted cleric to continue taking services there, even by the cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday.

'Barry Bang-her'  Bob Monkhouse 26th October 1997  BBC Lottery Show 
Maintaining Standards

With never a dull moment in sight, in 1997, whilst up to his neck in his own self inflicted dirt and mire, Wales' very own 'Fred the Shredd' - the present Archbishop, Dr Barry Morgan, then Bishop of Bangor, eager to jump on the Tony Blair band waggon, said of the 'John Major Government scandal,

' 'This government has been involved in scandal after scandal sleaze after sleaze . One wonders if there are any standards left.' ( Sunday Times 9th March 1997 Rt Rev Barry Morgan Bishop of Bangor)

My word, ( Please stop laughing ) doesn't time fly, when you're a hypocrite.

The 'Sleaze Busters.'

Oh dear, the old skeleton cupboard
Present day clergy should soon be better protected from muscle flexing tyrant bishop's reared in the potting sheds of Cathedral Road Cardiff. The Church in Wales are shortly to approve new disciplinary procedures prepared by two leading counsel in employment law, of whom one was 'taught to be cautious', Gerard Elias QC, Counsel General of the Welsh Assembly, Deputy High Court Judge, reported to be a keen  Freemason from Cardiff, although he himself denies being a 'prominent' member.Surprisingly, Mr Elias maintains that his membership of the 'Fraternity' does not conflict with his work as Queens Counsel.

Freemasonry has its own self styled kangaroo disciplinary procedures similar  to the Provincial Court of the Church in Wales. Subject to the law of libel and defamation they are chaired by 'legal professionals', (Normally a Crown or High Court Judge who is a mason ). The Masonic Year Book for the Grand Lodge of England, where the Duke of Kent presides, is well and truly armoured with legal beagles such as the Hon I D G Alexander QC, Rt Hon Lord Justice Chadwick ,and, His Hon Sir Lawrence Verney TD DL Recorder of London, to mention just a few.  Retired  on 1st June 1998 Sir Lawrence chairs the Masonic Court of Appeal (for naughty masons)  at Freemasons Hall London.

 His Honour Sir Lawrence Verney -  was 'taught to be really cautious'
According to' ancient custom', Masonic legal professionals  preside at these kangaroo courts in secret. The Office of Judicial Complaints appear to maintain a discrete blind eye. Nudge, nudge !

No fee - no see.

'Private Domestic Law'
Like the Liberal peer Lord Martin Thomas of Gresford QC, (counsel for Barry Morgan 1997) it appears that Mr Elias also, in certain situations, is prepared to maintain double 'professional' standards when applying 'justice' within the jurisdiction of 'private domestic law'. So much for the 'Big Boys'. How fortunate for the rest of us that our doctors and nurses don't run 'quack' surgeries. Let's hope that Archbishop Barry will manage to get a peanut embedded into his brain! It could mean the change that makes the difference.

Now, what made this former Anglesey vicar so unpopular with an 'all inclusive liberal' Bishop, who, not only claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ, but also the guardian of discipline, that he could have been thrown to the wolves? Or has that suddenly become just a silly question to ask? When you eventually learn the real facts behind the biggest non criminal, civil scandal to ever hit the Church in Wales you may decide that it was a just sentence, but that is hardly likely .

Fourteen years on, the former vicar suffers regular harassment which finds its root cause in the scandal church kangaroo court of 1997.

'Scandal and Offence lifts the lid on a sordid conspiracy to silence a man who became a thorn in the tender flesh of a bishop and the establishment . The 'Enforcer', who followed this case throughout, is now given access to material which casts grave and serious doubts on these proceedings, not least the involvement of Archbishop Barry Morgan and Michael Evans QC, President of the Kangaroo court and Chairman of the Provincial Board of Finance which funded these proceedings to the tune of £305,000, and, possibly beyond.

'Now ows about that then - a law unto myself '

( LL.D,  Doctor in Law ) 

'This Court will be what we want it to be'
(Michael Evans QC - October 21st 1997)

'Isn't it wonderful my darlings, I am Chairman of the Governing Body as well.  Goodness me, 'ows about that then ''
It also calls into question the professionalism of the so called 'legal professionals' , in particular the Archbishop's Registrar from St Asaph, David Hooson, ( a coracle in a shipping lane if ever there was one) and , the Liberal Peer, the Right Hon, 'Big' Lord Martin Thomas OBE, QC, of Gresford, whose reputation, as a human rights counsel, will, no doubt, be in line for some spanking, or, even more jaw dropping still, the joke of the millennium 21.

 Private Fees - Lawyer With No Shame 
'Lying through the skin of his teeth' -Deputy High Court Judge, Lord Martin Thomas QC, presented a false and corrupted affidavit.

'The main principles and characteristics of English Law is of openness'.  (Pass the sick bucket)
(Martin Thomas - 4 July 2008, House of Lords-Sky TV 'Setting the record'.)

Lord Thomas of Gresford, as he delights to be called, is frequently seen these days on Sky TVs, House of Lords channel. The man has put on some weight. Been comfort eating perhaps, such as the other Welsh toff and Presbeterian elder, Lord Elysted Morgan of 'Bow Street'. 

Like the majority of their lordship's, both normally sit slouched in their seat, all three chin's, giving new meaning to fat cat lawyers. In their turn , both will smirk. The kind you'd expect from a torturers assistant in a medieval dungeon scene. A Gresford, or a 'Bow Street' smirk is a terrible thing to behold! Certainly, they, and their kind, are another shining example that Shakespeare probably got it right.

This is a scandal which eventually finds itself in the seat of government and 'Standards in public life', (stop laughing). A scandal where evidence claims that individuals were approached in clandestine manner with offers of financial reward to stitch the vicar up 22. Where the stalking lay preacher and the scarlet lady made attempts to bait the vicar during the months leading up to the church kangaroo court. A bishop, ( Barry Morgan) desperate to save his own skin.

Affidavit and claims of individuals approached.

This is a Church scandal which stank to high heaven, and most recently, even the gates of Sandringham itself 23. One will not be amused.

You will wonder how the priest managed to survive and retain his sanity, not to mention faith, and, who it was, who really gave cause for Scandal and Offence.

Continue to consult this blog for regular further updates on:'SCANDAL AND OFFENCE'

Documented sources to date.
1. Methodistiaid Cymru 1857 John Hughes Lerpwl. 2 Church Times 19th December 1996.

2. Express on Sunday 3rd & 10th November 1996. Both publications written by two freelance suggest they were bought editorials. Roland Howard explains his reason and motive in writing such material as , 'a bastard who wanted to make a lot of money' (Greenbelt Press Conference 1st February 1997) says all about these two grubby journalists . Also 'Sunday Mirror' 25th October 1997 of ' Hysteric Pat Day of Benllech.

3 Church Times 19th December 1996

4. BBC Wales 'Week in Week Out' 17th November 1997.

5. Letter from the Lord Chancellor's Office confirming the non legal status of the Church court and its president Michael Evans QC.

6. 'News of the World' July 13th 2010 on Swansea Crown Court Judge and lay preacher resignation.

7. Law & Justice 'Provincial court of the Church in Wales' ex parte Rev Clifford Williams by Professor G R Evans Dept of History Cambridge University 1998. Jeremy Oliver & Professor Norman Doe Centre of Law and Religion Cardiff University 2000 . 'Welsh Church Courts and the rule of Law' by Thomas Glyn Watkyn(one time legal adviser to the Representative Body of the Church in Wales. (Ecclesiastical Law Journal)

8 'All things considered' BBC Radio Wales 1999 (BBC audio tape)

9. Governing Body of the Church in Wales September 19989Church Times)

10. Mark Hill QC Pump Court Chambers London google

11. Barclays Bank plc v Piper 23rd May 1995 in the Court of Appeal - Justices Lord Roch & Lord Neill.

12. Letter, not dated, signed or properly addressed, from Michael Evans QC, to a defence witness in 1998.

13. Regardless of an agreement made between solicitors 26th July 1997 the former vicar has been consistently denied access to unedited audio copies of the five day hearing.

14. Statements of E M Williams, G A Williams, G E Williams, C Williamson, G Moore (Rex Makin & Co file). Also letters of A & R Parker and Llangefni County Court petition 2000.

15. Statement of K Williamson.

16. Confirmed minutes of Tindaethwy Chapter 11th June 1995 & Rural Decenal Conference 23rd October 1996.

17. Canon Geoffrey Hewitt 'God wants me to love you' (sexual abuse in the Anglican Church) by Margaret Kennedy google. Also 'Daily Mail & News of the World. Prosecution of Bangor Diocesan Surveyor Mr M Hughes for fraud in North Wales Chronicle 2000.

18. 'Gay Trap for Rev' News of the World 1998 - South Wales Echo 1995 - Cambrian News 1998. Also 'Wales on Line' August 2010 Archdeacon of Meirionydd Rev Andrew Jones 'Scandal and Offence' Wales on Sunday.

19. Archdeacon Andrew Jones, 'Gay trap for Rev' News of the World 1998 - South Wales Echo 1995 - Cambrian News 1998 - 'Wales on Line' 1st August 2010 'Scandal and Offence'.

20. 'Setting the Record' House of Lords July 4th 2008 'The main principles of English Law is one of openess', Lord Martin Thomas QC. Lord Thomas shares the same London Chambers as the formidable Liberal Democrat and human rights advocate Lord Carlyle. He was successful demolishing a case against Anglesey Director of Housing at Chester Crown Court, purely on the grounds of witness interference.

21.Sworn valid affidavit presented to the Church Provincial court by an individual claiming to have been offered financial reward to stitch the vicar 1997 . Also letter from an offender held at Walton HMP 1997.

22. Geoffrey Mendus, Registrar Church in Wales court admits to the 'The shortcomings of the Benllech case', in 'Wales Law Today' Winter edition 1999, where he also concedes, 'Our courts, not being of the realm, we can continue as we please'. This confirms the stance taken by Michael Evans QC at the commencement of the hearing: 'This court will be what we want it to be'. Hence the justification : Kangaroo court.


  1. Philip was wondering if you will be taking over from The Llandaffchester Chronicles. He so misses the church gossip.

  2. Thank you Ma'm, your Royal Highness,

    Apologies for not responding sooner. Our principle bloger has been away on a course for wayward Archdeacons - the little toe rag. Likewise, 'Widow Twanky' has also been somewhat indisposed as of late. Do convey our apologies to Phillip.

    In answer to your question, the 'Enforcer' blog is purely factual and does not enter the realm of libel and defamation. In any case, our beloved leader has now granted a decree that we say and write pretty much what is on our mind, (Read Archbishop - Mad or Bad?)

    Much as your husband enjoyed the gossip of Landafchester blog we concede it to be an impossible act to follow. May we therefore wish you and your family a most blessed and scandal free Christmas.


  3. Oh goodness, I used to wonder why its all about the same issue and topic when it comes to priests and scandals. Surely they have other things to do right? Right now I am working as an import and export, working from home selling goods. I have so much more flexible time for myself and my family.

  4. Not sure what you mean by the 'same issue' reference Chris but your work as an import/export agent sounds interesting.

    Scandal and Offence is a blog which contains factual information collated from documents, statements, audio and video tapes of the Church in Wales 'Provincial Court' held at Caernarfon in 1997 where the Rector had been accused by his bishop of acting in a manner likely to cause 'Scandal and Offence.' The author refers to the occasion as a 'Kangaroo Court.' It is a fair comment.I was there myself. There is nothing libel contained within this blog only the truth. No doubt the author has more to reveal.

    I believe that the Church in Wales kicked its self in the leg when Barry Morgan became Bishop of Bangor in 1993.Of all his mistakes and shambles as Archbishop of Wales it is the evil manner by which he dealt with the former Rector of Benllech in 1997 which continues to haunt and prove his downfall. He has betrayed his fellow bishops within the Anglican Church world wide.

  5. In North Wales the vicar of Broughton, a friend of Barry Morgan, was merely cautioned and placed on the sex offenders register for downloading images of children. He resigned, became a postman, but was never disciplined by the Church - he remains in holy orders. His church organist and former parishioner was a senior North Wales Crown prosecutor

    NOT Broughton
    NOT children
    Prosecutor NOT his organist or even in his church.
    How much else of this can we rely on?

    1. Unfortunately for you 'Anonymous' the details are correct from what exists within the public domain. You have taken it all very personally and you don't seem to see the wood for the leaves.

      Simply google the vicar's name (don't forget Rev), and you will discover that this blog justifies what it has published, whilst at the same time witheld his name. So count your blessings

      Your moan should be directed elsewhere. Who was it who said : 'Fine mess you got me into Ollie'.

    2. Unfortunately for you, sweetpea, none of the googled articles say Broughton. The organist you mention was not "his" organist but the organist of the Church he later attended, and had not been his parishioner. At least that is what the articles in the pulic domain say.
      I don't believe everything the press says anyway, because they take dlight in doing the church down whenever possible, but if you are claiming to be right you should at least get verifiable facts right.

    3. Hello once again'Anonymous'. You will be over the moon now that we have replaced Broughton with Briste near Buckley up there in North Wales.

      However, we have not published all, although in the reply email there may be one or two things for you to chew, or spit out, whatever.Its a free country. Just remember, the contents of this blog are not actionable.

      Keep the comments coming, especially anything on 'Bazzar and the Bench Sitters'.

  6. I am not the anonymous who has commented above. Is there any way of contacting you regarding this blog, please? Not to be antagonistic, I hasten to add.

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  8. whatever kind of obfustication and mud slinging this is, the reality is Williams harmed a woman through a six year affair. it's astonishing it seems he has never admitted it!
